Court Rules



Order 22 - Change of parties

1. An action, proceeding or matter, shall not become abated by reason of the death or bankruptcy of any of the parties, if the cause of action survive or continue, and shall not become defective by the assignment, creation, or devolution of any estate or title pendente lite; and, whether the cause of action survives or not, there shall be no abatement by reason of the death of either party between the verdict or the finding of the issues of fact and the judgment, or between the pronouncement and recording of the judgment or order, but the judgment or order may in such case be entered notwithstanding the death.

2. In case of the death, or bankruptcy, or devolution of estate by operation of law, of any party to an action, proceeding or matter the Judge may, if it be deemed necessary for the complete settlement of the questions involved, order that the personal representative, assignee, trustee, or other successor in interest, if any, of such party be made a party, or be served with notice, and on such terms as the Judge shall think just, and the Judge shall make such order for the disposal of the action, proceeding, or matter, as may be just.

3. In case of an assignment, creation, or devolution of any estate or title pendente lite, the action, proceeding, or matter, may be continued by or against the person to, or upon whom, such estate or title has come or devolved.

4. Where, by reason of the death, or bankruptcy, or any other event occurring after the commencement of an action, proceeding or matter, and causing a change or transmission of interest or liability, or by reason of any person interested coming into existence after the commencement of the action, proceeding, or matter, it becomes necessary or desirable that any person not already a party should be made a party, or that any person already a party should be made a party in another capacity, an order that the proceedings shall be carried on between the continuing parties, and such new party or parties, may be obtained ex parte on application to the Court upon an allegation of such change or transmission of interest or liability, or of such person interested having come into existence.

5. An order obtained as in the last preceding Rule mentioned shall, unless the Court shall otherwise direct, be served upon the continuing party or parties, or their Solicitors, and also upon each such new party unless the person making the application be himself the only new party, and the order shall from the time of such service, subject nevertheless to the next two following Rules, be binding on the person served therewith, and every person served therewith who is not already a party to the action, proceeding, or matter, shall be bound to enter an Appearance thereto within the same time, and in the same manner, as if he had been served with the originating document.

6. Where any person who is not under disability, or who although under disability, has a guardian ad litem in the action, proceeding, or matter, shall be served with such order as in Rule 4 of this Order mentioned, such person may apply to the Court to discharge or vary such order at any time within ten days from the service thereof.

7. Where any person being under disability, and not having a guardian ad litem in the action proceeding, or matter, is served with any order as in Rule 4 of this Order mentioned, such person may apply to the Court to discharge or vary such order at any time within ten days from the appointment of a guardian ad litem for such party, and, until such period of ten days shall have expired, such order shall have no force or effect as against such last mentioned person.

8. Where the plaintiff or defendant in action, proceeding, or matter, dies and the cause of action survives but the person entitled to proceed fails to proceed, the defendant (or the person against whom the action, proceeding or matter, may be continued) may apply by motion on notice to compel the plaintiff (or the person entitled to proceed), to proceed within such time as may be ordered; and, in default of such proceeding, judgment may be entered for or an order made in favour of the defendant, or, as the case may be, for or in favour of the person against whom the action, proceeding, or matter, might have been continued.