Court Rules



Order 30 - Side-Bar Orders

The following shall be the side-bar orders of the Court:

(1) For plaintiff, lately an infant to proceed in his own name, he having attained his full age (in cases not coming within Order 15, rule 16).

(2) To proceed against a defendant, lately an infant, he having attained his full age (in cases not coming within Order 15, rule 16).

(3) To proceed notwithstanding the death of a party, his right surviving.

(4) To proceed by or against a new Attorney General.

(5) That a party do furnish a rental.

(6) That tenants do pay their rents to receiver, sequestrator, guardian, or administrator pendente lite.

(7) That persons indebted to personal estate do pay the sums due by them to receiver or administrator pendente lite.

(8) For injunction to sheriff to put purchaser into possession.

(9) For injunction to sheriff to put tenant into possession.

(10) To discharge receiver over lands sold by the Land Judge, or over lands comprised in a vesting order made or an agreement fiated by the Irish Land Commission (on production of a certificate of the Irish Land Commission that such vesting order has been made or such agreement fiated, and of the advance having been made in respect of such lands).

(11) To confirm sale absolutely.

(12) To receive a consent and make the same a rule of Court in cases heretofore usual.

(13) To make a conditional order absolute on a certificate of no cause, and to make an order directing payment of such costs (if any) as were reserved on the making of the conditional order.

(14) For judgment of ouster on a disclaimer.

(15) To proceed compromise off.

(16) To change solicitor in matrimonial causes or matters under Order 70, rule 69.

(17) That the non-appearance of a party cited be taken as a renunciation of his right to probate or administration under Order 79, rule 57.

(18) That a party cited extract probate or administration, or that his not doing so be taken as a renunciation of his right under Order 79, rule 58.

(19) In admiralty - to receive agreements in writing under Order 64, rule 52.

Save as aforesaid no side-bar order shall be entered or made.