Court Rules



Order 2 - Adjournment of proceedings and of the court

Adjournment of proceedings

 1. A Judge may transfer or adjourn the transaction of any business of the Court in which he or she has jurisdiction either to—

(1) another occasion at the place in which he or she was transacting such business at the time of such transfer or adjournment, whether such occasion is or is not a day and hour appointed,


(2) to another occasion (whether such occasion is or is not a day and hour appointed) at some other place in his or her district which is a place appointed for the transaction of business of the Court, whether such business does or does not include the said business so transferred or adjourned.

2. (1) A Judge may at any time adjourn the hearing of any proceedings upon such terms as he or she thinks fit and may adjourn generally with liberty to re-enter.

(2) Proceedings which have been adjourned generally with liberty to re-enter may be re-entered by giving not less than ten days' notice in writing to the other party and lodging a copy of such notice with the Clerk not less than four days before the date of the hearing.

Adjournment of the Court

3. (1) Where a Judge is not in attendance at the time appointed for the holding of a Court the Clerk may, in pursuance of a direction received from such Judge on or before the day and time so appointed, adjourn the holding of such Court and the hearing of the proceedings thereat in accordance with such direction.

(2) Where no such direction is received by the Clerk and no Judge is in attendance one hour after the time appointed for the holding of a Court, the Clerk shall adjourn the holding of such Court and the hearing of the proceedings thereat to the next Court to be held in the court area.

(3) The Clerk shall post a notice of adjournment Form 2.1 Schedule B on the door of thecourthouse and shall retain a copy thereof.

(4) All persons whose attendance shall have been required by any summons, order, civil summons, recognisance or notice at the Court so adjourned shall be deemed to have had notice of such adjournment and shall be obliged to attend on the day to which such adjournment shall take place, without the issue or service of any further summons, order, civil summons, recognisance or notice.

*4. Nothwithstanding the provisions of the rule 3, where there is no sitting of the court on the day to which a person is remanded in custody, such person shall stand remanded to the sitting of the court next held in the same District Court district, and the Clerk sall forthwith transmit to the Governor of the prison or to the person in charge of the remand institution where such person is detained the certificate specified in Order 19, rule 2 (5) (a) of these Rules at  Form 19.3, Schedule B.

† Courts of Justice Act 1953 [s. 27 (3)]
* Criminal Procedure Act 1967 [s.24 (50)]