Court Rules



Order 20 - Sittings in chambers and interlocutory applications

1. Applications which in the opinion of the Judge would be more conveniently and expeditiously disposed of in Chambers than in open Court may be made to and heard by the Judge in Chambers.

2. Applications in connection with any of the matters hereinafter mentioned may be made to the Judge by any party, without notice to any other party, on lodging with the County Registrar a copy of the Civil Bill, an ex parte docket in accordance with Form 27 of the Schedule of Forms annexed hereto and filing an affidavit in support of the application.

The orders for which application may be made under this Rule are as follows:

(a) the production of any deed;

(b) the appointment of a receiver over lands or other property;

(c) the possession, detention, preservation, or inspection of any property or thing;

(d) security from any person for any moneys in his possession;

(e) enforcing the deposit or payment into Court, pending litigation, of anything mentioned in (c) and (d);

(f) the sale of any goods, wares, or merchandise which may be of a perishable nature, or which the Court may think desirable to have sold at once, and the payment of the price into Court;

(g) the taking of any accounts, or making of any inquiries, or directing or authorising of any other proceeding which the Judge may think proper for the purpose of the action or suit;

(h) liberty to effect service in a special manner or for directions as to service, or to deem good any service already effected;

(i) an ad interim injunction;

(j) a conditional order of garnishee;

(k) the appointment of a receiver by way of equitable execution;

(l) service out of the jurisdiction;

(m) receiving a consent and making the same a rule of Court.

3. The orders which the Judge may make under the last preceding Rule may, save where the said Rule otherwise provides, be either absolute in the first instance, or conditional on no cause being shown to the contrary, and the Judge may in any particular case give such directions as he may think fit, or may order that notice of the application be given to any other party.