Court Rules



Order 49 - Intoxicating liquor licences

1. Every application in respect of an Excise licence for the sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made at the Sittings of the Court held in the town nearest to the premises to which the application relates, and in the county in which such premises are situate.

2. Every such application shall be preceded by a notice signed by the applicant stating his intention to apply to the Court for a certificate to enable him to obtain an excise licence to sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises, and setting forth the situation and place of the premises, as well in respect to the road or highway on or adjacent to which it lies, or otherwise in a true and particular manner specifying the town, townland, and if in a city or town, the street, square, lane, or other description of place, together with the number of such premises, if such premises shall have been numbered, and also the place of abode of such person, and further stating the Sitting of the Court at which the application is to be made. On the hearing of such application the applicant shall produce to the Court a map or plan upon which the premises the subject matter of the application are outlined in red with the area to be licensed clearly delineated.

3. Every such notice shall state at the head thereof the Act and Section of the Act under which the application is intended to be made.

4. Such notice shall be served upon:

(i) the Officer in charge of the Garda Síochána of the District (a) in which the applicant resides, and, (b) in which the premises are situate;

(ii) the Judge of the District Court within whose district the premises are situate;

(iii) the County Registrar for the County in which the premises are situate; and

(iv) the Fire Authority.

5. Save in the Dublin Circuit, such notice shall be served at least twenty one days before the day upon which the application is to be made. In the Dublin Circuit, such notice shall be served at least twenty one days before the day upon which such application is intended to be made, and shall operate to set down the application for hearing upon any day after the expiration of the said time upon which the application may come on for hearing in its order in the list.

6. (a) This rule shall not apply to the Dublin Circuit; such notice shall, not less than 21 days before the day upon which the application is to be made, be advertised in a newspaper circulating in the place in which such premises are situate, and a copy of such newspaper shall be lodged with the County Registrar immediately upon its issue.

(b) This rule shall apply to the Dublin Circuit only; such notice shall be advertised and lodged with the County Registrar in like manner as above provided in the case of the other Circuits, but such advertisement shall be made not less than 21 days before the date mentioned in such notice as the date upon which the application is intended to be made.

7. The County Registrar shall file all notices served upon him, and the advertisements in all newspapers lodged with him, in connection with such applications.