Court Rules



Order 6 - Right of Audience

Persons entitled to appear and address the court

1. The following persons shall be entitled to appear and address the Court and conduct proceedings—

(a) any party to the proceedings; or

(b) a solicitor for such party; or

(c) a counsel instructed by the solicitor for such party; or

(d) where the proceedings are in relation to the taxes and duties under the care and management of the Revenue Commissioners, or in relation to any fine, penalty or forfeiture incurred in connection therewith or otherwise incurred under the Customs Acts, a duly authorised officer of the Revenue Commissioners or the Revenue solicitor; or

(e) in proceedings at the suit of the Director of Public Prosecutions in respect of an offence, the said Director or any member of the Garda Síochána or other person appearing on behalf of or prosecuting in the name of the Director.

2. Save where otherwise provided by statute or by rules of court, the father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother or sister of any party may appear on behalf of that party provided that any such person has the leave of the Court to appear and be heard and that the Court is satisfied that the party is, from infirmity or other unavoidable cause, unable to appear.