Court Rules



Order 19 - Side-bar applications

1. On lodgment of the appropriate documents and payment of the prescribed fees, application may be made in the Office in accordance with Form 26 of the Schedule of Forms annexed hereto in respect of the following matters, and orders may be made thereon by the County Registrar:

(i) [1] for the appointment of a guardian ad litem of a child;

(ii) for a plaintiff, lately a minor, to proceed in his own name;

(iii) to proceed, notwithstanding the death of a party, his right surviving;

(iv) to make a conditional order absolute on certificate of no cause;

(v) to deem good the service of a Civil Bill or other originating document under Order 11 Rule 13;

(vi) to allow service of a Civil Bill or other originating document out of the jurisdiction, pursuant to Order 13;

(vii) for the payment out of Court on his attaining his majority of money lodged to the credit of a minor;

(viii) for the correction of clerical errors or errors in the names of parties in any proceedings, whether on consent or not, but subject to re-service when not on consent;

(ix) for the renewal of a Civil Bill or other originating document as provided for in Order 12 hereof;

(x) To proceed against a defendant, lately an infant, he or she having attained his or her full age;

(xi) To proceed by or against a new Attorney General;

(xii) That a party do furnish a rental;

(xiii) That tenants do pay their rents to receiver, sequestrator, guardian or administrator pendente lite;

(xiv) That persons indebted to personal estate do pay the sums due by them to receiver or administrator pendente lite;

(xv) For injunction to Sheriff to put a purchaser into possession in the case of a County Registrar assigned to the Circuit Court offices for the counties of Dublin and Cork;

(xvi) For injunction to Sheriff to put a tenant into possession in the case of a County Registrar assigned to the Circuit Court offices for the counties of Dublin and Cork;

(xvii) To confirm sale absolutely;

(xviii) To receive a consent and make the same a Rule of Court where the parties are sui juris;

(xix) To make a conditional order absolute on a certificate of no cause, and to make an order directing payment of such costs (if any) as were reserved on the making of the conditional order;

(xx) For judgement of ouster on a disclaimer;

(xxi) To proceed compromise off.



[1]  Order 19 rule 1 paragraph (i) substituted by SI 201 of 2023 effective 27 April 2023.